Saturday, April 30, 2011

Need to Remember the Important Things

This past week I've done something I shouldn't. I've forgotten to take my medicine three times. Once I took it late. Now this wouldn't be so bad if it was a supplement or something that wasn't necessary. Not only does my medication control my bipolar and help me function as "normal" people would in our society but it eliminates my migraines which I've had since the age of four.

Lets start by saying that although my parents brought me to the doctor several times as a child for migraines no doctor ever took me seriously. I didn't use the term migraine until I knew the definition, which wasn't until I was either eight or nine years old. I just knew that it was the worst pain in the world and lights were my enemies. 

Now as many of you know, now that I've been diagnosed with bipolar I realize that I've always had it. The symptoms have always been there. So when I was put on medication for this illness I didn't think about it's possible connection to my medication. It wasn't until this past year when I had to live without medical insurance for a while and pay out of pocket for my medication did I piece together this puzzle.

When I wasn't medicated I would have at least 2-3 migraines a week and several headaches. When I was able to afford my medication the migraines would disappear. I later did some further research only to find that my mood stabilizer, Limictal is used as a migraine medication overseas. It prevents migraines! I also came to find that there is a large correlation between those who have bipolar and those who suffer from migraines. All my medical symptoms since I was quite young have been tied together with one diagnosis. What a relief! Too bad I was always going to the wrong kind of doctor.

Thus it's no surprise that yesterday I had my first migraine since December. It's my fault. I need to be sure to remember. It's important! Not only a mood stabilizer but it saves me a lot of pain that I could do without, thank you. Better luck next week.

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